Since 1988

Succession Law

Your Family’s Lawyer; With you every step of the way

Your Family’s Lawyer;
With you every step of the way

Succession Law involves Wills & Estate planning, and the process can be deeply personal, emotional and complicated. 

Each situation is unique and calls for an estate lawyer who is experienced but more importantly, listens intently to ensure your wishes will be fulfilled.

Already have your Will and Enduring Power of Attorney in place?  In these times, it is critical that you regularly review your documents to ensure they are up to date otherwise wishes that are no longer your intention may be carried out.   

After losing a loved one, taking on the role as Executor can also be challenging and is becoming more complex. 

It is our honour to assist families in this regard and have been able to do so across generations.

Our services in Succession Law include:

  • Preparation of Wills, General Powers of Attorney, Enduring Powers of Attorney and Advance Health Directives
  • Succession and Estate Planning
  • Estate Administration
  • Probate Applications
  • Letters of Administration Applications
  • Property transfers by way of Transmission Application and Record of Death
  • Superannuation Claims
  • Estate Litigation (contesting an estate / Family Provision Claims)
Wills & Estates

What is Probate and when can I distribute?

A Grant of Probate is a certificate from the Supreme Court of Queensland recognising that a particular Will is the last Will of the deceased, is legally valid and that the Executor/s are entitled to administer the Estate according to probate law.

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Wills & Estates

Does divorce or marriage affect my Will?

Changes to your relationship status can have a significant effect on your will, especially getting married or divorced. It is important to be aware of how these events can impact your will and be prepared to update it to ensure your will reflects your current wishes.

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