- 07 4081 6700
- lawyers@marinolawyers.com.au
- Cairns - Port Douglas - Edmonton - Babinda
Establishing the practice of Marino Lawyers back in 1988, Charlie continues to be a Consultant with the Firm, sharing his wealth of knowledge and experience.
Planning and Environment Law is where Charlie’s passion lies. In addition to local developer clients, Charlie has also advised southern based companies who rely upon his networks and his intimate knowledge of the region.
He has been part of town planning negotiations, involved in specialty tenancy leases, advised on centre management contracts and negotiated commercial terms. Charlie is a hands-on lawyer, often going to onsite meetings to co-ordinate with local authorities, civil and building contractors, and tenants.
Charlie has represented clients in Planning and Environment Court however his preference and skills lies in negotiating out of court settlements that are acceptable to both the developer and the relevant council.
Charlie has also built a strong rapport with many families of the Far North and is trusted and frequently called upon to advise in generational and succession planning issues.
Areas of Practice
Marino’s Arcade
First Floor, 70 Grafton Street
PO Box 6722
Cairns Qld 4870
Ground Floor, Shop 1
24 Macrossan Street.
PO Box 57
Port Douglas Qld 4877
First Floor
159 Bruce Highway
PO Box 6722
Cairns Qld 4870
Ground Floor
51 Munro Street
PO Box 6722
Cairns Qld 4870
Open by appointment only
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