How to leave a Gift in your Will
When creating a Will, it’s often overlooked that you can leave a sum of money to a charity. Marino Lawyers can help arrange this.
When creating a Will, it’s often overlooked that you can leave a sum of money to a charity. Marino Lawyers can help arrange this.
When it comes to Wills & Estates, learn about the difference between an Attorney and an Executor, and the responsibility each role has.
Having a current and valid Will is very important; you cannot control everything that happens in life, but you can ensure your matters are organised in the unfortunate event of your passing.
A Grant of Probate is a certificate from the Supreme Court of Queensland recognising that a particular Will is the last Will of the deceased, is legally valid and that the Executor/s are entitled to administer the Estate according to probate law.
You may often see why you should have these documents in place however, there are many people that chose not to have them in place. The choice is up to the individual, but it is important to know your rights and how things will work either way.
Changes to your relationship status can have a significant effect on your will, especially getting married or divorced. It is important to be aware of how these events can impact your will and be prepared to update it to ensure your will reflects your current wishes.
Marino’s Arcade
First Floor, 70 Grafton Street
PO Box 6722
Cairns Qld 4870
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24 Macrossan Street.
PO Box 57
Port Douglas Qld 4877
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159 Bruce Highway
PO Box 6722
Cairns Qld 4870
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51 Munro Street
PO Box 6722
Cairns Qld 4870
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