What is PEXA and how does it work?
Have you heard of PEXA? The latest advancement in the legal industry, now with a platform to ease the conveyancing process digitally.
Have you heard of PEXA? The latest advancement in the legal industry, now with a platform to ease the conveyancing process digitally.
When it comes to the conveyancing process, get to know the difference between chattels and fixtures to avoid contract disputes.
Did you know that conveyancing and the process of buying/selling a house differs between states in Australia? Find out the differences here so you don’t get caught out.
When you are buying a home, it is important to conduct building and pest inspections to ensure that the property is not damaged or infested with pests. You should ensure your contract is subject to a building and pest inspection and make enquiries of an inspector prior to signing the contract to ensure that the timeframe in the Contract for obtaining the report is sufficient.
The month of March marks our anniversary for providing legal services and this year we are celebrating being able to continue 34 years of practice in the Far North.
Transferring ownership of your home after separation with your partner can be complicated. The most common method is via Consent Orders. Find out more about this here.
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PO Box 6722
Cairns Qld 4870
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24 Macrossan Street.
PO Box 57
Port Douglas Qld 4877
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159 Bruce Highway
PO Box 6722
Cairns Qld 4870
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PO Box 6722
Cairns Qld 4870
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