Am I in a De Facto Relationship and will it affect my Will?
A De Facto relationship is essentially a relationship between two people who are not married or related by family and the couple is living together on a ‘genuine domestic basis’.
A De Facto relationship is essentially a relationship between two people who are not married or related by family and the couple is living together on a ‘genuine domestic basis’.
Buying a business can be a major event in one’s life, with which comes the advantage of an established reputation and customer base compared to starting a new business. However, established businesses can also have their baggage. You will need to examine details of the business to ensure that it will be a good investment.
Creating a Will is important to protect you, your loved ones and your assets in the event of your death, however many people forget that your Will should be updated as changes occur throughout your life.
Purchasing real estate isn’t as simple as buying a bag or a pair of shoes. It involves a complicated legal process that is likely to take longer than what you may expect. However, you can make this a seamless and efficient process by getting professional help from a qualified conveyancer in Cairns.
Marino’s Arcade
First Floor, 70 Grafton Street
PO Box 6722
Cairns Qld 4870
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24 Macrossan Street.
PO Box 57
Port Douglas Qld 4877
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159 Bruce Highway
PO Box 6722
Cairns Qld 4870
Ground Floor
51 Munro Street
PO Box 6722
Cairns Qld 4870
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